Design & Engineering
Egar Tool and Die has a highly skilled team of designers and engineers who have experience designing tooling for the most complex stamped parts in the industry.
In the design phase, our team fully validates processes with forming simulation software. A fully detailed 3D design is created and reviewed with the customer prior to manufacturing. During development the design team uses laser scanners and reverse engineering software to optimize part quality.
Egar Tool and Die regularly tests new processes, commercial components, tool steels, and coatings in our own production environment. This experience Egar Tool and Die in the industry reflects directly in the quality of our die designs.
All tools are designed entirely in 3D CAD. CNC and EDM paths are created within the same CAD environment allowing an efficient and accurate transition to manufacturing. Egar Tool and Die is equipped with an FTP site and the necessary translation software to accept data in all standard formats.
Our designers have many years of experience with complex transfer and progressive tooling. Designs are reviewed extensively internally as a group and customer participation in the design reviews is always welcomed.

Simulation software is used to validate forming processes before the design is started. Process risks are recognized and mitigated before the die design begins. Product change requests can be made while there is still time to influence the final design. The result of this simulation is a more easily manufactured part and a more accurate way to optimize blank shapes for nesting.
Egar Tool and Die offers a completely portable measurement solution with our 3D Scanner. It allows for reverse engineering, part analysis, and emergency tool repair to be completed quickly and accurately. This technology provides our designers with a simple STL mesh file for objective analysis.